Friday, December 12, 2014

Portait preview shoot

ISO= 3200
Aperture= 36
Shutter Speed= 1/160
ISO= 1600
Aperture= 36
Shutter Speed= 1/50
ISO= 800
Aperture= 32
Shutter Speed= 1/50

Aperture= 16
Shutter Speed= 1/50
Shutter Speed= 1/50

  1. What was the best ISO setting to use for your portraits? I think it was ISO 3200
  2.  What was your next best photo? ISO 400
  3. Were you able to create equivalent exposures to your best photo by changing the aperture and shutter speed? No I was not
  4. What did you learn from this activity that you will apply to your real portrait shoot? That the higher ISO I use the more aperture i need to use 

10 Rules Of Composition Pictures

 Rules Of Thirds
 Avoiding Mergers
 Balancing Elements
 Leading Lines
Create depth


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Three Pillars of Photography: Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO

 1. What part of the body should we closely relate aperture? The Eye 
2. Finish this sentence: The smaller the Aperture the larger the f number, the higher the Aperture The smaller the f number.
3. In your own words tell me how aperture impacts Depth of Field? the picture looks better 
4. Using a class camera, list ALL of the F stops available on the lens currently attached. F36 F32 F29 F25 F22 F20 F18 F16 F14 F13 F11 F10 F9 F8 F7.1 F6.3 F5.6
5. What is the highest and smallest aperture numbers available on the kit lens?The Largest F5.6 and the smallest is F36
Part 2
This is a slow shutter Speed
This is a Fast shutter speed

a.) the dunking booth Slow
b.) the food eating contest   Slow 
c.) the rock climbing wall    Fast 
d.) someone working at a booth Fast 
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle Medium 
f.) the Diamonds performance.   Slow 

 a.) the dunking booth Fast
b.) the food eating contest   Fast 
c.) the rock climbing wall    Slow 
d.) someone working at a booth    Slow 
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle   Fast 
f.) the Diamonds performance.   Fast 

2. Fast,Slow and long shutter speeds
3. 4.5 /5 /5.6 /6.3/7.1/8/9/10/11/13/14/16/18/20/22/25/29

Part 3
photo of 200 and 3200 ISO

1. The advantages are that the photos look brighter when its dark

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

  • F4  – looks the best at _1/250  of a second shutter speed.
  • F5.6 – looks the best at __1/125___ of a second shutter speed.
  • F8  – looks the best at ___1/60__ of a second shutter speed.
  • F11  – looks the best at __1/30___ of a second shutter speed.
  • F16  – looks the best at __1/15___ of a second shutter speed.
  • F22  – looks the best at __1/8___ of a second shutter speed

  • At F4 how much background is visible? Is it blurry or in focus? How much?The background is blurry you can see the background a little bit. 
  • At F5.6how much background is visible? Is it blurry or in focus? How much?It blurry but not as much you can see the background a little bit more. 
  • At F8 how much background is visible? Is it blurry or in focus? How much?Its getting more focus on the background.
  • At F11 how much background is visible? Is it blurry or in focus? How much?The background is now more visible and on focus.
  • At F16 how much background is visible? Is it blurry or in focus? How much?THe background is visible  and on focus 
  • At F22 how much background is visible? Is it blurry or in focus? How much?it got more blurry and i little out of focus

  • 1. Consider what is happening to the people themselves at slow Shutter Speeds.
    They get less sharp and more grainer 
    2. In a real shooting situation, what should the photographer do to lessen this problem?not use to much aperture or shutter speed

    3. What combination of aperture and shutter speed do you think produces the best portrait? Why? The aperture of f/8 and shutter of 1/60 make the best portrait  because the people don't look to grainer and the background is not that blurry 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Design Layout Preview

Marry Text and Images

 Layout Design

 White Space

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I picked this picture because the ladder has lines.
I picked this picture because its just a simple chair
I picked this picture because the fences make a frame for the light pole 

 Rules of Thirds
I picked this picture because its on the top 3rd
I picked this picture because its balanced

Mergers   I picked this picture because the tree merges with Juans     head.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Pictures of Our World

This is my favorite picture because i like the colors in the picture. And i also like how the fire and the lightning make the tornado look.Also i like how you can see the stars on top of the storm.
I would take a picture of something representing education because you need an education in the world.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Peer Reflection
The photo that shows color has really good lighting.
The photo that shows the eagle has really good quality.

The contrast photo should of been taken more too the middle.

DSLR Explained Tutorial

1.A.More light got inside 
   B.The image comes out white 
2.A. Less light comes inside 
   B. The image gets darker.
3.A.More light comes in 
   B.The image comes out more brighter. 
4.A. Theres less time for the light to come in.
   B.The image comes out darker.
5.A.The camera gets less sensitive.
   B.Better image .
6.A.The camera gets more sensitive 
   B.The image looks to bright 

Camara History

               The Camera                                                                                                                                                     1. The camera obscura which is latin for dark room .This was the first camera. The hole acted like a lens focusing and projecting light onto the wall of the dark room.
2. The high quality glass lenses was the invention that helped get closer to creating the modern camera.
3. A glass lens, a dark box, and a film
4. They both work the same way.
5.They capture images with an electronic sensor called CCD.
               Camera Modes
6.On Auto the camera will completely control flash and exposure,and Program you can control flash and few other things.
7.Potrait attempts to blur out the background, camera will try to use the fastest available lens.
8.To freeze motion
               The Half Press
9. So you can let the camera focus on the subject.
                Controlling Flash
10. Disable Flash And when you don't want a flash
11. Auto Flash and when you want the camera to decide when for it to flash
               Intro to Exposure
12.The Photo will washed out.
13.The Picture will be too dark.
                The Universal Stop
14.Represent a relative change in the brightness of light.
15.1 stop brighter
16.2 stops brighter
                 Shutters and Aperture
17. more light
18.less light
19.How much light comes in
20.Aperture opening

Monday, September 8, 2014

Color Shape and Contrast

 The Photo Shows Color
The Photo Shows A shape

                                                                                    This Photo shows Contrast between white and black