Friday, September 12, 2014

Pictures of Our World

This is my favorite picture because i like the colors in the picture. And i also like how the fire and the lightning make the tornado look.Also i like how you can see the stars on top of the storm.
I would take a picture of something representing education because you need an education in the world.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Peer Reflection
The photo that shows color has really good lighting.
The photo that shows the eagle has really good quality.

The contrast photo should of been taken more too the middle.

DSLR Explained Tutorial

1.A.More light got inside 
   B.The image comes out white 
2.A. Less light comes inside 
   B. The image gets darker.
3.A.More light comes in 
   B.The image comes out more brighter. 
4.A. Theres less time for the light to come in.
   B.The image comes out darker.
5.A.The camera gets less sensitive.
   B.Better image .
6.A.The camera gets more sensitive 
   B.The image looks to bright 

Camara History

               The Camera                                                                                                                                                     1. The camera obscura which is latin for dark room .This was the first camera. The hole acted like a lens focusing and projecting light onto the wall of the dark room.
2. The high quality glass lenses was the invention that helped get closer to creating the modern camera.
3. A glass lens, a dark box, and a film
4. They both work the same way.
5.They capture images with an electronic sensor called CCD.
               Camera Modes
6.On Auto the camera will completely control flash and exposure,and Program you can control flash and few other things.
7.Potrait attempts to blur out the background, camera will try to use the fastest available lens.
8.To freeze motion
               The Half Press
9. So you can let the camera focus on the subject.
                Controlling Flash
10. Disable Flash And when you don't want a flash
11. Auto Flash and when you want the camera to decide when for it to flash
               Intro to Exposure
12.The Photo will washed out.
13.The Picture will be too dark.
                The Universal Stop
14.Represent a relative change in the brightness of light.
15.1 stop brighter
16.2 stops brighter
                 Shutters and Aperture
17. more light
18.less light
19.How much light comes in
20.Aperture opening

Monday, September 8, 2014

Color Shape and Contrast

 The Photo Shows Color
The Photo Shows A shape

                                                                                    This Photo shows Contrast between white and black

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Photos Best And Worst

Best Picture
I think this was my best picture because the picture has really good quality. And another reason is because Ethan was looking at the camera.

Worst Picture  
I Think this was my worst picture because the picture came out blurry. And also because Ethan looks asleep in the picture.